December 21, 2020.
12. Indulge in the Things You Enjoy.

Often times we are too busy during the holidays and seldom make the time to indulge in the (healthy) things we truly enjoy. This year, take time to watch your favorite movie. Sip on a hot cup of cocoa smothered with whip cream. (Yes, all things in moderation). Flip through an old photo album. It’s okay to put yourself first at times.
11. Connect With Those You Love.
There are a hundred and one ways to connect with those you love even during a pandemic. Text your girlfriend. Pick up the phone and call that relative you haven’t spoken to in years. Initiate saying hello via Zoom, Hangouts, Duo, or Face Time. Write an old-fashioned letter. Send a card. When we stay connected, we strengthen our support system.
10. Spend Less.

Don’t spend what you don’t have. This is a sure way to decrease stress. You cannot put a dollar amount on what is given from the heart.
9. Do Something You’ve Never Done Before.
Being creative and having fun can be relaxing and rewarding all at the same time. You only live once. Bake something from scratch with no recipe and post it on social media. Eat a bowl of cereal with water. Dance to Christmas songs until you fall asleep. Stay up all night with the kids.
8. Be a Blessing to Someone Outside of Your Home.

Giving often causes us to reflect more on the happiness of others and less on our own situation. There is always something that each of us can give (our love, our time, our gifts).
7. Give Up Something.
Sacrificing humbles us and helps us to appreciate what we have. For example, you can give up spending a few hours with your family or watching Christmas movies, to spend a few hours volunteering or making hand-written cards for your neighbors. And take the time to reflect on how the sacrifices of others have helped you down throughout the years.
6. Make a Decision.

Decide not to dwell on the past this Christmas. Find ways to celebrate every gift in your life. Decide to say No to adding one more thing to your plate. Tell yourself that this year will be different. Make a decision and stick to it.
5. Eat Right and Exercise.
Much of our stress is exasperated by not eating right and a lack of follow through when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. The choices we make today will yield the rewards or consequences that await us in our future.
4. Be Grateful.

Gratefulness is the key to making sense of all the madness we deal with from day to day. Take time to make a list of as many things you can think of that you are grateful for. Watch and see how this one act can bring about so much peace.
3. Practice Mindfulness.
Be aware of the things around you but also accept the things that you can control. Like your peace. So love in spite of. Forgive often. Let go of toxic relationships, toxic habits, and toxic thoughts.
2. Laugh.

Proverbs 17:22 says A Cheerful Heart (Laughter) is Good Medicine. Take time to laugh. Not a little but a lot. Laughing will relieve stress and offer you another perspective in how you view life.
1. Meditate on the Meaning of Christmas.
Christmas is a celebration of The Greatest Gift, which is why we give gifts. This Gift was and still is an answer to unanswered prayers. This Gift brings joy that trumps all sadness. This Gift was meant to give us Hope. Knowing this one thing (the true meaning of Christmas) changes everything. It allows us to have peace on earth despite a pandemic, despite trauma, and despite the never-ending chaos. The Gift of Christmas is Jesus Christ, and meditating on this Gift and all that He brings (Peace, Love, & Hope), will guarantee a stress-free and trauma-free Christmas every time if you allow it.
You are right. More people would be stress free if they would meditate on the meaning of Christmas.